Signing in#

Sign in to IATI Publisher with the email address and password that you entered during registration. You can reset your password if needed from IATI Publisher’s homepage.

You will have received a verification email after registering. Use the link in this email to activate your new account, which is required before you can publish data.

When you first sign in, you will see ‘Get Started’ guidance on screen, which will walk you through remaining setup steps (Figure 1). Select ‘Don’t show me this again’ in the bottom-left corner of the guidance box to stop it appearing when you sign in. You can re-access it from your profile menu if needed.

Screenshot of the 'Get Started' onboarding guidance, visible on first sign in, to help your organisation get set up.

Figure 1: ‘Get Started’ onboarding guidance to help your organisation get set up.#

Adding other people from your organisation to IATI Publisher#

If you are a new user from an organisation that is already using IATI Publisher, an admin user from your organisation can create an account for you. You can read more in the Users section.

Getting help

If you are unable to sign in, or need help getting access to your organisation’s account, please contact us.