Organisation Data
Activity Data
Default values#
Default values are fields such as language and currency, which occur often in the IATI Standard. It is easiest to populate these once so that IATI Publisher can automatically apply them to any new data you enter in the tool.
You will be prompted to complete default values in Step 2 of the ‘Get Started’ onboarding guidance, which appears after you first sign in.
Which defaults should I populated?#
We strongly recommend that you populate your default language and currency. There are other recommended default values that are often required by donor governments’ IATI requirements, depending on who your funder is.
Click the question mark icon next to each default value’s data entry box in IATI Publisher to view more information on what it is.
Recommended defaults for activity data - these are commonly required by funders, who may provide specific advice on how to complete them.
Optional defaults for activity data - these are not required by the IATI Standard or most funders. You can populate them if relevant to your organisation’s activities.
Changing your default values#
You can view or edit your default values in IATI Publisher’s Settings at any time. IATI Publisher will apply the updated values to any new activities that you create in the interface.
You can change default values for an individual activity by clicking ‘Override this activity’s default values’ in the top right of the screen when editing the activity. This will apply the new values to the specific activity, but not affect the defaults stored in Settings.