Creating an account#

How you sign up to IATI Publisher depends on whether your organisation has previously registered with IATI or not. You can find a list of organisations that have already registered and published data on the IATI Registry.


If you have never registered with IATI, follow the instructions below for Option A: My organisation is new to IATI. Otherwise, refer to Option B: My organisation has registered with IATI.

There are question mark icons next to each data entry field in IATI Publisher, which you can click on for guidance.

Option A: My organisation is new to IATI#

On the IATI Publisher homepage, click ‘Join Now’, then select ‘My organisation is new to IATI’.

  1. Enter information about your organisation. Visit the IATI website for help with How to create your IATI organisation identifier.

  2. Enter contact information for your organisation, noting that this will be publicly visible.

  3. Select whether you are publishing data for your own organisation (Source = ‘Primary’) or on behalf of another organisation (Source = ‘Secondary’).

  4. Enter your own information to create an admin user account. This is the email address and password that you will use to sign in to IATI Publisher.

Click ‘Get Started’ to return to the homepage.

Option B: My organisation has registered with IATI#

On the IATI Publisher homepage, click ‘Join Now’, then select ‘My organisation has registered with IATI’.

  1. Enter your organisation details, making sure that your organisation name, identifier and publisher ID match your account information on the IATI Registry.

  2. Enter your contact information to create an admin user account. This is the email address and password that you will use to sign in to IATI Publisher.

Click ‘Get Started’ to return to the homepage.