IATI Publisher#

IATI Publisher is an online tool for organisations who want to publish data on their development and humanitarian activities according to the IATI Standard. It is free and managed by the IATI Secretariat.

IATI Publisher is designed for small to medium-sized organisations who have a limited amount of IATI data to publish. Typically, this refers to organisations with less than 100 IATI activities. An ‘activity’ in IATI is an individual programme, project or other unit of development and humanitarian work, as defined by your organisation.

IATI Publisher is designed for people to enter data directly in the interface via online forms. It has some bulk import functionality, but is not recommended for organisations that need to manage their data in external workbooks or other tools. Large organisations, such as donor governments or UN agencies, are advised not to use IATI Publisher for this reason.

Steps to publishing#


For an overview of what data publishing involves, have a look at our page How to publish data.

If you are using IATI Publisher, you will register with IATI, enter, and publish data using the tool. IATI Publisher will check your data before you publish, using the IATI Validator, and provide feedback on any validation errors against the IATI schema.

Help & Support#

Get in touch if you have any questions relating to publishing, using or improving IATI data. You can also find an active community of IATI publishers and users on our community platform IATI Connect.

Tool development#

IATI Publisher was first launched in December 2022. It is managed by the IATI Secretariat and has been developed by YoungInnovations.